#1 Outfit

The last time when I went to Paris, I decided with a very good friend (hairstylist) of mine, to met up for dinner. After we planned the outing, I receive a message from him, to bring Nicolai, my partner in style as he called him, to dinner. I liked the idea but I never thought I could give Nicolai a column on the blog until, at a different dinner, a gentleman told me that my husband is a source of inspiration, and that he’d like to know from where he gets his outfits. That is how I got the idea of  Nicolai’s Outfits new rubric.









Jacket: Alexander Wang for H&M
Pulover: Cos
Trousers:  Cos
Shoes: Sandro
Hat: Cos
Watch: Rolex:
Sunglasses: Ray Ban
Photo: Gabi Crisan
Image editing: Csilla Szasz

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