Everything is about customization

I feel extremely grateful and lucky because, unlike our parents, I belong to the generation that has grown naturally with technology, even though sometimes I catch my ears in it, as it happens these days with my new laptop – but I’ll manage to function it properly, I’m working on it! I’m glad I witnessed all the important moments of its evolution – and I’m only thinking now at the major ones, like the apparition of the Internet, smartphones and tablets, but there are plenty of other examples that ease our lives today as we didn’t even imagine a while ago. Who would have thought a few years ago that using an app on your phone in just a few moves, you can order a taxi or a dress from the States, or monitor your steps, sleep or heart rate?


Well, these past weeks I’ve been to a launch which took the customization idea even further through technology. Oral-B launched the Smart Series electronic toothbrush, the first one in the world that can connect via Bluetooth to the smartphone. What does that mean exactly? Through an application, you can have real-time feedback and indications of brushing, which you can, later on, discuss with your dentist at his cabinet.


After all, it was a natural step that we needed. We have personalized diets, fitness programs, basically everything is about customization and adaptation for own, personal, needs, isn’t it?, what works for me might have no effect on my best friend. So the “What’s good for one is good for all” mentality dropped inversely proportional with the boom that technology had. And I can’t help but rejoice.


I have already begun to use the new toothbrush and I’m very excited – Nicolai jokes that now I have a toy, not just Ilona and Iancu – and, especially, at peace, knowing that it’s primarily about the health of my teeth. For a beautiful smile says more than a thousand words, right?
À la prochaine, les filles!







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